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What You Need to Know to Set Wedding PR Goals for 2021

As we breathe a sigh of relief that 2020 is finally over, it’s time to set sights on a more fruitful and prosperous 2021. Although many of us have faced the hard reality that our 2020 goals didn’t quite go as planned, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic for the year ahead.

Industry media saw a lot of shifts due to the pandemic and, as a result, wedding PR might look and feel different in 2021. After a year marked by very few events and plenty of uncertainty, wedding publications have adjusted expectations in response to the lack of content available. Some have also turned their focus to other media, like podcasts and IGTV series.

For wedding pros looking to make a name for themselves in 2021, it starts with setting strategic PR goals that help you push your business in the right direction. Amidst a global pandemic, this can be challenging—but certainly not impossible. Here’s what you need to know:

The vital elements of a strategic goal

As a business owner, you’ve likely heard of SMART goals from your time learning about new ways to grow your company. I’m here to tell you that SMART goals are the right way to go. 

For those unfamiliar or who simply need a refresher, SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Oriented. Each of these elements is vital in creating a goal that keeps you on-track and striving for success. 

While all are important, “Achievable” is perhaps the most important to keep in mind when setting PR goals for 2021. We are not yet in the clear and the pandemic will continue to impact businesses throughout the year, even after a vaccine is distributed. The market has changed and companies must adapt. 

Thus, it’s essential that you remember to keep your goals attainable based on the resources you realistically have available. Set yourself up for success, not disappointment.   

What goals look like during COVID

There’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, so long as you are realistic about the steps it will take to achieve a stretch goal. With all of the change we saw in 2020, this year will be about relearning the market and rebuilding the industry. This may not be the year you hit seven figures, but if you have achievable objectives set for 2021, you can still progress towards that goal.

Spend some time auditing your current PR strategies and identifying the tactics that are most successful, as well as those that are not worth your time. You’ll also want to revisit where you stand in the market in relation to your competitors and target audience to ensure that your goals are pushing you forward in the right direction. 

The big takeaway for 2021 is to avoid taking on more than you can handle. If you find that you can take on more later in the year, great! But, to start, keep it within your reach and focus on smaller steps that continue propelling you and your business forward.

Once you’ve outlined your goals for 2021, it’s a matter of setting up systems to track your progress and measure success. It might be a spreadsheet that notes your real wedding submissions (and responses) for the year or it may be a sheet of paper with regular updates about your speaking submissions and deadlines. 

Setting strategic goals is only the beginning; the rest comes into play through careful implementation and evaluation that will push you closer and closer to your big picture goals. 


Lead photo courtesy Gretchen Culver, Rocket Science Events.

Meghan Ely

President, OFD Consulting, Richmond, VA

Meghan Ely is the owner of wedding PR and wedding marketing firm OFD Consulting. Ely is a sought-after speaker, adjunct professor in the field of public relations, and a self-professed royal wedding enthusiast. 

Photo: Melody Smith Portraits