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Can Buffets Survive COVID?

Buffets. Long have they been a staple around the world. Whether it's at an event, a restaurant, a hotel, a casino, or even a hospital, they offer the convenience and variety that everyone craves. 

"Guests value them for their variety and flexibility," said Kristine Holtz of Cornerstone Foodservice Group. "Buffets offer a wonderful way, and I would argue no better way, to serve large groups of guests. We all know what we want to eat, how much we want and when we want it and that’s why we love buffets." 

But buffets are being faced with a crossroads as health and safety, as well as social distancing, remain top of mind. However, rather than eliminating buffets entirely, now is the time to rewrite the rulebook for bufffets. 

"Each of us has an opportunity, and a responsibility, to craft the future of our business in order to safely get back to business," Holtz said. 

Catersource recently hosted a webinar with Holtz, titled "Can Buffets Survive COVID?" which looked at buffets through the lens of our current environment while exploring ways that they can still be a part of our world. Register to watch this webinar on demand and be ready for your events once they come back. 

"We’re all looking for answers and a path forward," Holtz said. "People are eager to dine out with us again, and if there’s one thing that the virus has taught us, it’s that we are social by naturee–we love to gather and we love to eat." 

Amber Kispert

Senior Content Producer

Amber is the Senior Content Producer for Catersource. Amber previously worked as a Communications Specialist for LeClair Group and a reporter for the Woodbury Bulletin, both located in Woodbury, Minn.  As a self-described "foodie," Amber loves to experience the world of food and beverages, and is excited to help share the stories of Catersource and the world's caterers.