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Want to Sell to Caterers?

Here’s Five Ways to Capture their Attention!

Caterers are seeking products and services that will increase their real or perceived image in the marketplace: Buffet and action station ideas, cooking equipment, food and menu inspiration, tabletop designs—the list goes on and on. They don’t just want to be on the cutting edge—they want to be the ones sharpening it! Remember that all caterers live by the motto that they are only as good as their last event…and their clients? Let’s just say that individuality is very trendy right now.

Take a look at some ideas on how you can capture the caterer’s eye—and wallet.

  1. The holiday season brings in high revenue numbers for caterers, but also creates their largest accounting receivables of the year. In fact, much of their client payments don’t come in until January so this is a heavy collections month. Consider offering special Q1 payment options designed to create less pressure to pay before they’ve been paid!
  2. You should concentrate on presenting caterers with suggestions and ideas on how to present your products/services to their clients for 2017 catered events. Point out the benefits of your products/services that will help them sell to their client base. Stress what your products/services will do for the caterer’s clients.
  3. Caterers look for ways to lower costs pertaining to staffing, warehousing and food cost while delivering outstanding and exciting catering. You should focus on those efforts! Caterers realize they need to spend money to save money, so if they can see how your product or service will cut costs without cutting quality, they will purchase it.
  4. The holidays are overwhelming for caterers. They often go non-stop for days without even time for their families. So, they are playing catch up first of the year. This is the perfect time to be proactive by contacting caterers with a simple question: “Is there anything we can do to help start the year off right now that you are through the busy holiday season?” You should consider giving them a cell phone number or other direct phone number that will permit them to bypass a complicated automated system when they call for product or with questions. Caterers deal directly with their buyers on a person-to-person basis and like it when you do the same.
  5. The holiday rush season is difficult for caterers because their clients make many last minute changes or place orders at the last moment. Consider offering caterers solutions to help them handle these last minute crisis situations. The mere fact that your company makes it clear that you are “aware” of this age-old challenge will endear you to them!


Catersource includes an annual conference, tradeshow and magazine, online presence, e-newsletters, the Art of Catering Food conference, and Leading Caterers of America Executive Summit. Click here for conference information. Click here to sign up for any of our free e-news products or the quarterly issue of Catersource magazine.