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Taking Advantage of Video Storytelling

From cave paintings to mythology, storytelling has been part of human nature since the days of early civilizations. This is because stories have the unique ability to evoke emotions and build a connection while conveying real truths — a one-two punch that drives a message home to the listeners. Today, storytelling plays a big role in marketing, as consumers are far more likely to purchase a product or service when they feel a personal connection to the seller.

Now, storytelling comes in a lot of manners — historically, it has been verbal and written, but developments in technology has allowed video marketing to rise to the forefront. When you can tell a story with video content, you get to grab your audience’s attention through visual and auditory means. 

In this industry, our clients are all trying to tell their own stories through their events. They want to know that their event team is capable of capturing and expressing their narrative. What better way to showcase that ability than with smart video marketing? 

Why video marketing?

The numbers speak for themselves. A recent study found that 74 percent of users who watched a product video ended up purchasing the advertised product. Not to mention, video content boosts your website and social media in terms of search engine optimization (SEO) — according to, you’re 53 times more likely to appear at the top of Google’s results if you have an embedded video on your website.

Data aside, consider your own experience as a consumer. When you scroll through your social media feeds, there are countless videos on auto-play looking to catch your attention. Sure, not every video is worthy of stopping to watch — but there are plenty that do warrant pausing to see what it’s all about. If it works on you, why wouldn’t it work on your audience?

Tying in storytelling

It’s important to recognize that not all video content implements storytelling. There are plenty of videos that are produced solely to sell, sell, sell. In some industries, this could work very well. However, our market runs on aesthetics and meaningfulness. Thus, our video content needs to be visually appealing while telling a story. Instead of focusing on the features of your products or services, highlight the benefits of what you have to offer. 

Features are nothing more than the technical specifications of your products and services, whereas benefits showcase how your work improves clients’ lives. A caterer can certainly tout their extensive menu options and affordable rates, but the message will go further when the audience can identify these features as benefits: more food options for their friends with dietary restrictions and more wiggle room in their budget for extra upgrades. Don’t just list what you have to offer; tell a story that emphasizes the true value that comes with your products and services.

Now, video storytelling isn’t just about making something up and recording it on camera. While a consistent aesthetic is important, authenticity is just as key as viewers want to feel like they’re immersed in the brand experience. Don’t be afraid to share some behind-the-scenes moments, sneak peeks of upcoming products, or a silly blooper reel that humanizes your brand. When you leave the salesy tactics behind and focus on a personal, un-curated vibe, your video storytelling will be more relatable and hit home with your target audience. 


Kylie Carlson

Founder / CEO, The Wedding and Event Institute
Kylie Carlson is the owner of ...