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Food for Thought: 4 Association-Event F&B Recommendations

Meeting attendees are a fickle bunch, especially when it comes to what they eat and drink during their time on site.

In a session held at the American Society of Association Executives’ Annual Meeting & Exposition in late August, John Hawley, executive director of association sales for Hilton Worldwide, cited these statistics from a recent survey of attendees from dozens of business events: 62 percent said food and beverage is a “major factor” in their decision to attend an event, and 75 percent said that if the F&B quality were good enough they would definitely return to that event.

However, 66 percent also said that their most recent event experiences featured food and beverage that was not good enough to persuade them to attend in the future.

Head over to MeetingsNet to find out Hawley's advice for planners.

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