Recipe Friday: More Cheese PleaseRecipe Friday: More Cheese Please
Recipe Friday: More Cheese Please
June 10, 2022

There are over 2,000 varieties of cheese with different flavors, forms and packages to choose from. But all in all, cheese is a nutritious food that fits into any healthy eating plan – providing calcium, protein, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin B12. Even if you’re lactose intolerant, the good news is you can still try natural cheeses – like cheddar, Colby Jack, Monterey Jack, mozzarella and Swiss – which are low in lactose.
Whether your go-to is Gouda, you dream of triple-cream brie, or no one knows Jack like you do, you appreciate (and are maybe obsessed with) dishes where the starring ingredient is cheese.
And you can enjoy cheese all month long since June is National Dairy Month! Check out these cheesy recipes from Land O'Lakes Foodservice to help you celebrate!

Reuben Queso with Extra Melt® Monterey Jack Cheese Sauce
Yield: 108 servings [27 cups]
Serving Size: 2 ounces
1 (5-lb) pouch Land O Lakes® Extra Melt® Monterey Jack Cheese Sauce
36 oz (7 cups) corned beef, diced ¼ inch
27 oz (4 ½ cups) sauerkraut, drained, squeezed dry
27 oz (3 cups) roasted red peppers, dried well, diced ¼ inch
2 T caraway seeds, toasted
Green onions, thinly sliced
Heat Extra Melt® Monterey Jack Cheese Sauce using desired method to 165°F. Stir in all remaining ingredients except green onions.
Hold hot until service.
Garnish with green onions to serve. Serve with potato chips, pretzels or other salty, crunchy dipper.

Miso Mac and Cheese with Extra Melt® Cheese Sauce
Yield: 5 servings
Serving Size: 1 ½ cups
Ingredients for Japanese Spicy Mayo
½ cup Kewpie mayonnaise
2 T chili paste
2 tsp mirin
Ingredients for Mac and Cheese
1 lb cavatappi pasta, uncooked
40 oz ( 4 ½ cups) Land O Lakes® Extra Melt® White Cheese Sauce
5 oz (½ cup) white miso paste
Ingredients for Bok Choy
3 ea. whole baby bok choy, cut in half
Vegetable oil, as needed
2 tsp furikake rice seasoning
To make mayo, combine mayonnaise, chili paste and mirin in large bowl; mix well to combine. Set aside.
Cook pasta to al dente; drain. Hold warm for service.
Heat Extra Melt® Cheese Sauce and miso paste in large saucepan, stirring frequently. Gently stir in cooked pasta.
Brush bok choy with oil; grill, cut-side down, until tender.
To serve, drizzle Japanese Spicy Mayo over mac and cheese; garnish with half of bok choy and sprinkle of furikake.
Recipe tip: To easily incorporate miso into cheese sauce, use a food processor before heating through.

Provencal Vegetables with Extra Melt® Monterey Jack Cheese Sauce
Yield: 12 servings
Serving Size: 1 serving
8 oz (1 cup) Land O Lakes® Signature® Garlic & Herb Blend
12 oz (2 cups) onions, small dice
1 ea. (24 oz) large eggplant, sliced ¼ inch thick
5 ea. (20 oz) Roma tomatoes, sliced ¼ inch thick
2 ea. (13 oz) large red bell peppers, roasted, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 ea. large (10 oz) yellow squash, sliced ¼ inch thick
2 ea. medium (12 oz) zucchini, sliced ¼ inch thick
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
18 oz (2 cups) Land O Lakes® Extra Melt® Monterey Jack Cheese Sauce
4 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp nonpareil capers, minced
¼ cup Garlic & Herb Bread Crumbs*
Melt Signature® Garlic & Herb Blend in large sauté pan. Add onions; sauté until onions are translucent. Set aside to cool slightly.
Combine eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, yellow squash and zucchini in large bowl. Add onions; toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper.
Stack sliced vegetables, alternating types, then lay on side in 13x9-inch baking dish so alternating layers are visible. Cover. Bake in 400°F oven 40 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat Extra Melt® Monterey Jack Cheese Sauce according to manufacturer's instruction. Combine cheese sauce, lemon juice and capers. Hold hot until service.
Uncover baking dish; continue baking 20 minutes or until vegetables are fully cooked and beginning to brown.
Top with half of lemon caper sauce. Sprinkle with Garlic & Herb Bread Crumbs. Serve with remaining lemon caper sauce on the side.
Recipe tip: *Find the recipe for Garlic & Herb Bread Crumbs here.

Pimento Cheese Spread with Extra Melt® Cheese Sauce
Yield: 13 servings
Serving Size: 2 ounces
12 oz (3 cups) Land O Lakes® Shredded Mild Cheddar, Yellow
9 oz (1 cup) Land O Lakes® Extra Melt® Yellow Cheese Sauce
4 ozs (½ cup ) cream cheese, softened
3 oz (½ cup) diced pimientos, drained, patted dry
2 tsp Louisiana-style hot sauce
½ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp onion powder
½ tsp pepper
Mix all ingredients until well combined and creamy.
Store refrigerated up to 4 days.
Recipe tips
TIP #1: This spread also makes a good sandwich filling or burger topping. Or serve it as a tasty dip for fresh or pickled vegetables.
Substitute LAND O LAKES® Queso Bravo® Cheese Dip with Jalapeños and Red Peppers for the Extra Melt® Cheese Sauce.
Texas Hot Chicken Sandwich with Extra Melt® Monterey Jack Cheese Sauce
Yield: 80 servings
Serving Size: 1 slider
Ingredients for Cheese Sauce
1 (5-lb) pouch Land O Lakes® Extra Melt® Monterey Jack Cheese Sauce
9 oz (1 cup) canned chipotle peppers in adobo, puréed
½ cup plus 1 T firmly packed brown sugar
½ cup plus 1 T Chipotle powder
¼ cup garlic powder
¼ cup pepper
Ingredients for Slider
80 ea. (2-oz) breaded chicken patties
80 ea. (2 ¼-inch) slider buns, split
40 oz butter pickle chips
Combine all Cheese Sauce ingredients in large saucepan. Heat to 165°F; hold hot until service.
Heat chicken patties according to manufacturer's instruction until internal temperature reaches 165°F.
Meanwhile, spread generous 1/2 ounce cheese sauce onto cut sides of bun halves.
Place hot chicken patty onto bottom half of each bun; top with 1/2 ounce pickle chips. Cover with top half of bun. Serve immediately.
Recipe tip: Prepare the cheese sauce at least 24 hours in advance for best flavor.