Feasting on Fair FavoritesFeasting on Fair Favorites
August 10, 2021

Families around the country were cooped up for the past year dreaming of the fun and food featured at their favorite carnivals and festivals. This longing became even all the more torturous, certainly seen as comfort food continued to climb to the top of food trend lists.

Fortunately, events are back and so are the delicious festival foods that entice the tastebuds of so many. Earlier this spring, all of the fun of festival food was on full display when Jim Stanfill, General Manager for Las Vegas’ Bear’s Best golf course, teamed up with Cirque Mechanics to deliver the first-ever Drive-N-Dine Circus, where guests dined on circus favorites while enjoying a performance from Cirque Mechanics, from the comfort and safety of parked golf carts.
“I think this project has a lot of life in it going forward because it’s an intermediary step to being back to full-blown events,” said Chris Lashua, Founder and Creative Director for Cirque Mechanics.
You can see all of the food and fun by checking out Special Events magazine's article, "Feasting on Fair Favorites."