Introduce Yourself as an Expert to EditorsIntroduce Yourself as an Expert to Editors
July 12, 2017

There is one aspect of publicity that we get asked about the most: how do I get quoted or featured as an expert in a publication? Event pros want to be that go-to person for editors and writers on those evergreen topics that will be covered in the media time and time again, but just don’t know where to start. I have found that a lot of press successes start with a simple introduction of yourself to the right editors at the right media outlets, which is both as easy and as difficult as it sounds.
When I started my business, the first thing I sought out to do was penetrate the local market. So I put my research hat on and looked into all of the outlets that were featuring wedding content, found the right person, and wrote a brief email introduction that included my bio, an invitation to collaborate on future articles, and a thank you for being considered. Why is that effective? Because there are countless writers, editors, and publishers out there with all sorts of article ideas, but they don’t have always have the necessary sources at their fingertips.
So, how do you do it? Let’s dive in below:
Where to Contact
First things first, identify three outlets that you are interested in and would like to be involved with. Why three? It’s best to start out with a small number so that you can see what works, what didn’t work, and what should be tweaked before introducing yourself to the masses. Which outlets you decide to contact is at your own discretion, but be sure you are asking yourself, do they help you meet your goals? Will they get you in front of your target audience? Is this the right fit for my business?
Who to Contact
Pick the areas of expertise that you want to focus on and search those keywords on the site. For example: catering, event planning, weddings, bat mitzvahs, etc. Read the articles that pop up and see if you find any patterns in who is doing the writing on those topics. Once you’ve identified a relevant writer, find their contact information. This can sometimes be easier said than done. If you aren’t able to find it on the website, turn to Google, LinkedIn and Twitter- you may have to do some digging, but don’t give up!
The Pitch
When you’re ready to actually write the editor, you want to make sure that you are short and sweet. It should be an e-mail that includes a short bio about yourself, how you can assist them, and of course thank them for keeping you in mind- simple as that.
Remember, putting yourself in front of editors and writers shouldn’t be a short-term strategy. It’s going to take time, and you may not hear back from everyone you get in touch with. Keep trying and your efforts will eventually pay off.
Meghan Ely is the owner of wedding PR and wedding marketing firm OFD Consulting. Ely is a sought-after speaker, adjunct professor in the field of public relations, and a self-professed royal wedding enthusiast.