Anniversaries and AOCFAnniversaries and AOCF
July 8, 2015

A little over a year ago, I began work at Catersource as the publisher and executive editor. This is my anniversary issue, so to speak. I was able to touch last year’s July/August issue only briefly before it went off to press, so I didn’t feel that it was truly “mine.”
Photo courtesy of Blue Plate Catering; © 2013 Artisan Events, Inc. | Amanda Sudimack
It’s satisfying to know I have a year under my belt now, along with the 10 extra pounds I’ve gained as I have eaten my way across America at various conferences, tradeshows, and industry gatherings. Catersource magazine is looking great and our subscriber base is solid—we’ve qualified almost 1,300 subscribers just since our last issue! To balance and to distribute to over 28,000+ qualified on-premise, off-premise, and noncommercial catering and foodservice professionals, we discarded some of those who have not recently updated their free subscriptions. Are they still working in the industry? Perhaps. But if there’s one thing we know for certain, it’s that the recruitment and retention of quality employees is the top challenge for those in food service. In order for Catersource to be Business Publications of America (BPA) audited, we must ensure our subscribers are still a part of this fabulous industry. Do me a favor: head to this link ( when you have a moment and requalify yourself—or subscribe for the first time. We will absolutely accommodate every catering professional who wishes to receive a copy.
And speaking of conferences, tradeshows, and industry gatherings, I am very much looking forward to August’s Art of Catering Food in Salt Lake City. For one, that area of the US is absolutely stunningly unique, merging the amenities of a major metropolitan area with beautiful natural surroundings. Plus, if it’s anything like last year, I know I am going to once again enjoy every seminar offered without having to choose between them, meet new people who may later become friends, and enjoy some of the finest bites imaginable as they are simultaneously being prepared by presenters on stage. The field trips and round robins, as well as the two optional events (Boots, Buckles & BBQ and the Culinary Hands-on Experience) promise to be very inspirational—and fun. Turn to page 8 for everything you need to know about getting registered for AOCF.
It has been a terrific year, and I’ve met so many wonderful and talented people. I hope to meet you soon, too—at the Art of Catering Food, August 10–12!